Techy Tonik

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CloudBuild: Speeding container builds by caching

Introduction When building containers we can always leverage the layer caching mechanism to speed up the container builds. This can become tricky depending on the CI/CD tool used for building the images. For offering like Jenkins we may not need to worry much as we can expect a copy of previously build container image to be present. On the other hand, if we see Cloud Build it won’t have a copy of previous build, as the offering is serverless so starts light and stateless.

Docker Auto Discovery with Traefik

Introduction When running containers directly with docker, one has to bear up with ports and networking directly. Actual environments make use of API Gateways, enabling API versioning and other standard features. One cannot achieve this out of the box with docker, but one may think of spinning a nginx/envoy proxy and configuring it to achieve the same feel. But that sounds like quite an overhead as one has to manually update configs for every new container being launched.

How to create a basic Cloud Build CI/CD Pipeline

Introduction Cloud Build is a Serverless CI/CD platform offered by Google Cloud Platform. It can natively integrate with other GCP Products and can easily be integrated with Spinnaker also. We would we deploying application on Cloud Run which is also a serverless offering for container deployment. Some key benefits of Cloud Build are: - Fully serverless Flexible - We can use custom build steps and pre-created extensions Native Docker support Generous Free Tier - Free 120 build minutes per day Supports both local as well as building in the cloud